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Qinghai's Social Entreprises

A number of social entreprises have been developed over the years that promote similar values as Ecotourism, namely sustainable and equitable (community) development, with opportunities for local employment in rural areas. Several social entreprises working with local communities in Qinghai Province are listed below.

AmdoCraft has been working with Amdo Tibetan nomads in Qinghai province for the past decade. This organization (entreprise) supports the creation of indigenous Tibetan handicrafts made of yak and sheep wool such as woven bags, braided slings, knitted scarves and felted decorations, in order to provide a steady income for the previously nomadic Tibetan people. Young Tibetans are also learning traditional skills that might otherwise be lost. Currently over 50 families work with Amdo Craft, which offers its selection of handicrafts online and in stores around the world - including a café and handicraft store in Xining.

Shokay aims to impact the lives of marginalized communities living in poverty by introducing luxury yak down to the global market. They hope to create a market for yak fiber, thus increasing the value of the raw fiber to provide herders with long-term employment and a greater sustainable income. Currently Shokay works with over 2000 people in the province and has helped to set up fiber cooperatives in several villages. By increasing the economic value of traditional yak rearing, local communities will face less pressure to migrate to cities in search of employment opportunities. This also provides people with some choice of preserving traditional ways of life and helps to instill pride in their own culture.

Global Nomad provides IT services from the Roof of the World. Located on the Tibetan Plateau in western China, Global Nomad is a progressive company that brings not only cost savings to web development and IT outsourcing needs, but also has a vision of bringing new opportunities and raising the standard of living in the under-developed area where it is based. Broadband internet is now available even in remote areas on the Tibetan Plateau, however few people know how to use it. With the training offered, the internet can bring new sources of income and whole new consumer markets to the area. Global Nomad has served clients from 4 different continents, thereby bridging the gap that has long existed between the town of Zeku and the rest of the world.