China Relief 2020
China is undergoing a difficult start to the new year. Much is already highlighted in the media, both in China and abroad; we can only imagine all the personal stories behind the scenes. However there is hope, too, as health service providers and ordinary citizens are showing concern for their neighbours.
What can be done?
Different ways of assisting are emerging, but these are still early days. Many requests are being made. We are in the preparatory phase in order to be ready when a preferred course of action is clear. However, although no single priority area of intervention has yet been decided, we are now currently assessing the logistics of preventative measures. Read the Updates and Field Reports on the website to learn more about emerging plans and actions… In the meantime our field staff continue to monitor the situation closely and already are preparing and providing initial forms of short-term assistance, as opportunities arise on the ground.
Collectively we are carefully considering the options available to us, as diligence is important even within emergency relief work.